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Prompt stage

This stage is used to show the user arbitrary prompts.


The prompt can be any of the following types:

textArbitrary text. No client-side validation is done.
emailEmail input. Requires a valid email adress.
passwordPassword input.
numberNumber input. Any number is allowed.
checkboxSimple checkbox.
hiddenHidden input field. Allows for the pre-setting of default values.

A prompt has the following attributes:


The HTML name used for the prompt. This key is also used to later retrieve the data in expression policies:



The label used to describe the field. Depending on the selected template, this may not be shown.


A flag which decides whether or not this field is required.


A field placeholder, shown within the input field. This field is also used by the hidden type as the actual value.


The numerical index of the prompt. This applies to all stages which this prompt is a part of.