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Standard Policies#

Reputation Policy#

authentik keeps track of failed login attempts by source IP and attempted username. These values are saved as scores. Each failed login decreases the score for the client IP as well as the targeted username by 1 (one).

This policy can be used, for example, to prompt clients with a low score to pass a captcha before they can continue.

Expression Policy#

See Expression Policy.

Password Policies#

Password Policy#

This policy allows you to specify password rules, such as length and required characters. The following rules can be set:

  • Minimum amount of uppercase characters.
  • Minimum amount of lowercase characters.
  • Minimum amount of symbols characters.
  • Minimum length.
  • Symbol charset (define which characters are counted as symbols).

Have I Been Pwned Policy#

This policy checks the hashed password against the Have I Been Pwned API. This only sends the first 5 characters of the hashed password. The remaining comparison is done within authentik.

Password-Expiry Policy#

This policy can enforce regular password rotation by expiring set passwords after a finite amount of time. This forces users to set a new password.