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What is Wiki.js#



Wiki.js is a wiki engine running on Node.js and written in JavaScript. It is free software released under the Affero GNU General Public License. It is available as a self-hosted solution or using "single-click" install on the DigitalOcean and AWS marketplace.


This is based on authentik 2021.3 and Wiki.js 2.5. Instructions may differ between versions.


The following placeholders will be used:

  • is the FQDN of Wiki.js.
  • is the FQDN of authentik.

Step 1#

In Wiki.js, navigate to the Authentication section in the Administration interface.

Add a Generic OpenID Connect / OAuth2 strategy and note the Callback URL / Redirect URI in the Configuration Reference section at the bottom.

Step 2#

In authentik, under Providers, create an OAuth2/OpenID Provider with these settings:

  • Client Type: Confidential
  • JWT Algorithm: RS256
  • Redirect URI: The Callback URL / Redirect URI you noted from the previous step.
  • Scopes: Default OAUth mappings for: OpenID, email, profile.
  • RSA Key: Choose a certificate.
  • Sub Mode: Based on username.

Note the client ID and client secret, then save the provider. If you need to retrieve these values, you can do so by editing the provider.

Step 3#

In Wiki.js, configure the authentication strategy with these settings:


You do not have to enable "Allow self-registration" and select a group to which new users should be assigned, but if you don't you will have to manually provision users in Wiki.js and ensure that their usernames match the username they have in authentik.

Step 5#

In authentik, create an application which uses this provider. Optionally apply access restrictions to the application using policy bindings.

Set the Launch URL to the Callback URL / Redirect URI without the /callback at the end, as shown below. This will skip Wiki.js' login prompt and log you in directly.